Register for the Forum
The Progressive Equine Behavior & Training Forum provides an opportunity for equine professionals to share and discuss a wide range of applied, scientific, and theoretical information.
Attendance is by invitation only and limited to the first 40 people who complete the registration process. Everyone who registers must participate, either an individual speaker or as a round-table discussion panelist. General registration and speaker abstract forms will be processed in the order they are received.
Registering for the Forum is a three step process that can be completed online.
Click on the links to access the page and form
Step 1 – Complete the General Registration Form
Step 2 – Complete the Speaker Abstract Form
Step 3 – Pay the Registration Fee
Registration Deadlines
- Early Bird Registration: Reduced registration fee of $250. All forms and payment must be received by October 31, 2018.
- Registration Closing Deadline: Regular registration fee of $295. All forms and payment must be received by December 5, 2018.
- Abstract Submission Deadline: December 15, 2018
Confirmation of completed registration will be emailed to you within 3 weeks of receipt of BOTH forms (Step 1 & Step 2) and payment (Step 3). An abstract (summary) of the presentation is required for all talks, w.hich will be reviewed in the order they are received. The first 40 completed and confirmed registrations will be accepted.
The Forum schedule, speakers, talk titles and summaries, and speaker information will appear in a conference program available on the website prior to the event.
Please consider your commitment to attend when submitting your registration. Our costs for the conference facility are based on a minimum number of guest rooms, and no-shows may create an economic hardship. If you must cancel before the December 5 deadline, the registration payment less a $50.00 administration fee will be reimbursed only if we are able to fill your place with someone from the waiting list. Registration fees will not be refunded after December 5.
Speaker Guidelines
Individual Speakers
- Individual speakers may choose either a 20 or 30 minute talk. We ask that you allot 10 minutes of the total presentation time for Q&A and discussion.
- Your presentation should include information that is new and/or controversial and which triggers a stimulating discussion.
- Individual presentations can include original research, cases studies, and application of techniques and equipment, etc.
- Any topic related to the field of applied equine behavior and training, and relevant to equine professionals and/or horse owners will be considered.
- Some suggested topics for individual presentations include:
Specific clinical behavior issues
Animal learning and ethology
Medical behavior problems
Human-animal bond
Equine assisted activities and therapy
Equine rescue and rehabilitation
Working with wild equids
Community connections and education
Facilitating behaviorist, trainer, veterinarian, farrier, breeder, owner, therapeutic, and rescue relationships
Building and marketing a business
Roundtable Discussion Panelists
- Roundtable discussions should be designed to promote open conversation and debate among panelists and with the audience, and should not be structured as a series of related talks.
- Roundtable discussions will include up to four panelists. It will be the responsibility of the applicant to contact and organize panelists for a Roundtable Discussion panel, which will have 2 to 4 speakers. If you and 1 to 3 other colleagues have a topic you would like to present in the round-table format, on the speaker summary form you may suggest topic, provide a summary, and list the other panelists.
- The total time allotted for the Roundtable discussion will depend on the number of panelists (2 panelists–30 minutes total; 3 panelists–45 minutes total; 4 panelists–60 minutes total). Most of the total time should be reserved for discussion, debate, and Q&A among panelists and with audience participation. The role of the panelists is to set up topics, pose questions that stimulate debate, and moderate the discussion.
- Some suggested Roundtable Discussion topics include:
Ethical dilemmas
Tools that people have and use
Have More Questions?
Email us at